Photo: press service of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Alexander Krainov Assessed the Situation with AI Specialist Training at the “Step into the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy” Forum

01 апреля 2024 11:41

Alexander Krainov, member of the VYZOV Prize Scientific Committee and head of the Yandex Machine Intelligence Laboratory, took part in the plenary session of the “Step into the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy” VI International Forum. The opening session was on the topic of human resources for the data economy. The Forum was held at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.  

The task of ensuring the human resources sovereignty in IT is addressed collaboratively by the business, government, schools, and higher education institutions. In his video message to the Forum participants, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that in order for Russia to achieve technological sovereignty, universities must develop in their students both hard skills and flexible thinking skills.

«We must achieve technological sovereignty as soon as possible and ensure Russia's leadership, including in the field of software, communications, artificial intelligence and many other strategic areas. Today, the university community needs to systematically develop students' skills of flexible innovative thinking along with technical skills» — said Dmitry Chernyshenko.

As a representative of a high-tech company, Alexander Krainov noted that Russian universities provide a high level of fundamental mathematical education but the picture is less positive when it comes to the training of specialists who possess applied knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence. And the first thing that needs to be done in this regard is to objectively assess how things are going with the training of such specialists.

«The first necessary step that we need to take is to learn to assess how things are going with the training of specialists. Improvements in the field of AI only occur when we can accurately, perfectly, and without deceiving ourselves measure the results obtained» — said Alexander Krainov.

At the same time, some companies initiate their own training programs in order to prepare specialists with the competencies necessary for business.

More:  Human Resources for the Data Economy: Plenary Session of the "Step into the Future: Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Economy" Forum

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