Vyzov Foundation Turns One Year
The Vyzov
Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations was
established on June 28, 2023. Despite its short history spanning just one year,
the foundation has already made a significant contribution to popularization of
science and demonstrating that scientists are the heroes of our time who
deserve recognition and support.
On December
19, 2023, the first awards ceremony for the VYZOV National Prize for Future
Technologies was held, turning into a true scientific "Oscar." Film
and theater celebrities, well-known politicians and athletes, representatives
of the government and business community gathered at the Moscow Manege to honor
outstanding researchers who won the award: Raul Gainetdinov, Pavlos Lagoudakis,
Ilya Semerikov, and Hamlet Khodzhibagiyan. Their inventions will improve the
lives of millions of people in the near future.
There is an increasing interest in the VYZOV Prize. This year, the number of applications more than doubled, reaching 594 vs 218 last year. The award now has a new international category, Discovery, and the geography has expanded to include 34 countries.
The Vyzov
Foundation focuses on fostering international scientific relations. We have
created a special event format called "SCIENCE. DIALOGUE. TRUST."
which brings together Russian and foreign experts. In October 2023, the first
scientific breakfast took place, and in February 2024, the inaugural Winter Talks
were held featuring representatives from 25 countries who gathered to discuss
the prospects for international cooperation and the issues of science diplomacy.
In February
2024, Leonid Shlyakhover, President of the Vyzov Foundation, participated in
the discussion "Place of Popular Science in Science: How to Attract and
Promote?" during the Future Technologies Forum dedicated to cutting-edge
scientific solutions. Mr. Shlyakhover noted that despite the importance of
scientists' work, they often remain unknown to a wide audience. The
Foundation's goal is to raise the visibility and prestige of science as an
science-related issues can be complicated. In order to make such discussion
more accessible and engaging, the Vyzov Foundation is implementing projects at
the intersection of science and culture. In March 2024, the наукаплюскультура.рф
platform was launched. Multimedia project "Physicists and Lyricists" was
presented at the World Youth Festival in Sochi. The project features scientists
and artists who have been awarded prestigious Russian prizes.
In June 2024, the Foundation took part in the discussion "New Horizons for Science Diplomacy in Times of Uncertainty: What Can Be Done Today?" held at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
The Vyzov Foundation lives up to its name that translates as "challenge", as it is not afraid of challenges and sets ambitious goals. Leonid Shlyakhover, President of the Foundation, summed up the results of the first year of work: "It was a very eventful year. We held the first season of the VYZOV Prize that was a success. During the second year, we received almost three times as many applications, which is a vote of confidence in the award and the Foundation. We launched the international "SCIENCE. DIALOGUE. TRUST" format that gathered representatives from 25 countries. Another format that we are introducing is SCIENCE+CULTURE. Its goal is to make a complex conversation about science more accessible and engaging with the help of artists. I think that the next year will be even more exciting for the Vyzov Foundation."